AirVenture Australia announced today that the annual event will be relocated to Cessnock Airport in the Hunter Valley Region of NSW on 20-22 September this year.
Since its inception as Ausfly in 2012, the national fly-in has been held at Narromine near Dubbo. The move to Cessnock is believed to solve issues of accommodation and activities for non-flying partners that existed at Narromine.
AirVenture Australia organiser David Young said: “The team is very much excited about this year’s event. We have a new venue and new look event that is designed to please everyone, from the keen aviator to the person in the street.
"We are ecstatic that Cessnock City Council and the local community have got behind this year’s event. It’s onward and upward from here as we grow AirVenture Australia with the beautiful Hunter Valley as our backdrop.”
Supported by Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus) and the Australian Parachute Federation (APF), the national fly-in hopes to attract "war birds, sports and amateur built aircraft." Over 50 seminars are planned on the Thursday and Friday covering building, maintaining, flying and teaching.
An air show is planned for the Saturday.
RAAus CEO Michael Linke said the new-look AirVenture Australia would be attractive to its members.
“RAAus is absolutely committed to AirVenture Australia," he said. "This event is exactly what our members are after. Two great days where they can catch up with each other, look at planes, attend some seminars and build on their knowledge. Then on the Saturday we can all sit back and enjoy some great aerial displays.
"AirVenture is the best of both worlds. It’s an event for aviators by aviators.”
Cessnock is located in the Hunter Valley 52 km west of Newcastle. The city has approximately 22,000 people and is situated in the heart of one of Australia's most prolific wine-producing areas.
Cessnock City Council has indicated total support for the event.