• James Goodwin led the AAA for four years from 2020 to 2024. (Australian Airports Association)
    James Goodwin led the AAA for four years from 2020 to 2024. (Australian Airports Association)

Australian Airports Association CEO James Goodwin announced last Friday that he was leaving the association after four years.

In a post to his LinkedIn account, Goodwin described his tenure, which began in May 2020 after he succeeded Caroline Wilkie as a "rewarding four years which started by navigating the challenges of COVID for one of the first and hardest hit sectors."

"Three Ministers for Infrastructure and Transport, scores of policy and regulatory submissions including the Aviation Green Paper, multiple parliamentary inquiries and countless media appearances representing and advocating for the airport sector and the hardworking people who make it happen," Goodwin said in his announcement.

"Membership has grown, remote and regional airport funding secured and we’re on track to decarbonisation with the establishment of the Jet Zero Council."

During Goodwin's time as CEO, AAA introduced several new initiative including the Airport Retail and Commercial Forum, Mining Aerodrome Forum and the MyAirportCareer program. 

The organisation has undergone a governance review, seen a new constitution, Board composition and developed a state division structure during Goodwin's time.

Most recently, the AAA called on the government to continue supporting regional airports and proposed a Medium Airport Program (MAP) to funnel government money into metro GA airports.

Goodwin said he would be taking a break before moving on to the next step in his career.

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