• Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld has been appointed to the board of Airservices Australia. (Department of Defence / LACW Annika Smit)
    Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld has been appointed to the board of Airservices Australia. (Department of Defence / LACW Annika Smit)

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King this week announced major appointments to both Airservices Australia and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB).

King appointed former Chief of Air Force Air Marshal (Ret'd) Mel Hupfeld AO DSC to the board of Airservices Australia.

Hupfeld flew both Mirages and Hornets for the RAAF and commanded 75 SQN in Iraq. His career included stints as Air Commander Australia and Chief of Joint Operations.

"The appointment of Mr Hupfeld recognises his extensive experience in complex information systems and as a military and civilian pilot," Minister King said.

"His depth of connections within the Department of Defence and broader government will greatly assist Airservices’ delivery of its strategic change program, including the OneSKY partnership with Defence."

Alongside Hupfeld, King appointed Associate Professor and Assistant Associate Dean of Aerospace Engineering and Aviation at RMIT Nicolle Connelly to the Airservices board.

"Together their wealth of knowledge and experience will help shape and govern Airservices Australia as it navigates future opportunities and challenges.

"I look forward to continuing to work with the Airservices Board to ensure Australia’s aviation industry remains among the safest in the world and a world-class leader."

Simultaneously, Minister King announced that former Qantas pilot Peter Wilson had joined the ATSB as a commissioner.

The appointment of Mr Wilson recognises his significant operational and senior executive experience in leadership and corporate roles across the aviation sector.

Wilson has accumulated about 17,500 flying hours over a almost 30 years at Qantas, and held leadership roles at Virgin Australia and Tiger Air.

"His experience at Australian airlines has included technical managerial roles, Chief Pilot, General Manager and Chief Operating Officer," King said.

"Mr Wilson has served on a number of boards and will bring to the ATSB high levels of technical expertise, experience and credibility across the aviation industry.

"This appointment ensures that the ATSB’s Commission continues to have high levels of experience across rail, maritime and air transport – the three modes of transport for which they have investigatory responsibility."

Hupfeld and Connelly have been appointed to Airservices for four- and three-year terms respectively.

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