AMDA Foundation is forging ahead with preparations for next year's Australian International Airshow, whilst keeping one eye on the COVID-19 situation.
If current government restrictions are not lifted in time for preparations to go into full swing, the event may not be able to proceed to the extent planned.
In a statement released today, AMDA said that it was watching the situation closely, but would give a priority to public health.
"Although Avalon 2021 is still almost a year away, we are closely monitoring developments in relation to the COVID-19 Coronavirus," the statement said.
"Like all responsible organisations, we will continue to be guided by advice from public health authorities over that period and will comply with directions from the Australian and Victorian governments. The preservation of public health will always be our paramount commitment.
"Recognising the challenges which the world faces as a result of COVID-19, our dedication continues undiminished to deliver Avalon 2021 in February as the essential aerospace defence event for the region. With nearly a year to run, preparations are well advanced for Avalon 2021 to achieve this outcome."
In order for the event to go ahead as planned, both the Federal and Victorian State Governments would need to lift their ban on public gatherings and international travel to and from Australia and many other nations would need to be reinstated.
Next year marks the 100th anniversary of the Royal Australian Air Force, one of the oldest air forces in the world. As a major partner of Avalon 2021, the RAAF was expected to put on their greatest show ever.
The aviation community around Australia can now only hope that the show will go on.