• VH-RDU crash site near Rockhampton. (ATSB)
    VH-RDU crash site near Rockhampton. (ATSB)

The Australian Transport Safety Board has released an investigation report into the fatal crash of a Eurocopter AS350 near Rockhampton, QLD.

The aircraft was on a charter to a landing site on Double Mountain South on 8 September 2011 when it collided with terrain after the helicopter began rotating to the left. The pilot and front seat passenger both died.

According to the report, the pilot lost control of the helicopter at low speed or while hovering.

"The reason for that loss of control could not be positively established, although it is most likely to have resulted from environmental and operational factors," the report states.

"The investigation was unable to determine whether authorisation of pilot tasking in this case had complied with the operator’s procedures. The assignment of the pilot to the task did not directly contribute to the accident.

"However, had a formalised and documented risk assessment of the task been prepared and considered as part of the authorisation process, as prescribed by the operator’s Safety Management System, it is likely there would have been a greater awareness of the suitability or otherwise of the pilot for the tasking."

"This accident highlights the need for helicopter operators to be aware of the potential safety risks associated with tasking pilots, especially those with little experience on the helicopter type, into an operating environment for which their competency has not been established or regularly checked."

The full report can be downloaded from the Australian Transport Safety Board website.

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