• Kyneton Airport will be a happy home to private and recreational flyers until at least 2024. (Steve Hitchen)
    Kyneton Airport will be a happy home to private and recreational flyers until at least 2024. (Steve Hitchen)

Macedon Ranges Shire Council has voted to keep Kyneton Airport where it is until at least 2024, when existing lease agreements expire.

The airport was under a cloud while the council pondered its future as reported on www.australianflying.com.au on May 28.

Before the vote was taken, over 1000 submission were made to the council, mostly expressing overwhelming support for the airport to continue operations, resulting in a unanimous decision in favour of Kyneton Aero Club.

As well as the committment to the next nine years, Macedon Ranges Shire also endorsed the following actions.

1. Allocate $10,000 in FY12/13 and add CPI in future years for the ongoing maintenance and minor capital works carried out by the Kyneton Aero Club.

2. The Kyneton Airfield will remain in its present location until at least the end of the existing lease agreements (roughly 2024).

3. By the end of July 2012, Council will apply to the State Government's Regional Aviation Development Fund to secure funding for the development of a long term (25-50 year) Master Plan. 

4. Council will revalue site lease payments to determine current market rate and revise if required. Any additional revenue generated by any increase will be returned to the Kyneton Aero Club in accordance with the Services Agreement in place between the Council and Macedon Ranges Shire Council.

Kyneton, to the north-west of Melbourne is an active and popular airport for both private and recreational pilots, and boasts a healthy and active aero club.

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