• RAAus headquarters in Fyshwick, ACT. (Steve Hitchen)
    RAAus headquarters in Fyshwick, ACT. (Steve Hitchen)

Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus) this week re-issued their flight operations manual with changes to the converting pilot process.

RAAus made the modifications after CASA issued them with a notice under CASR Part 149 to eliminate an ambiguity that caused "divergent views" between the organisation and the regulator.

The changes are thought to be in response to the fatal crash of an RAAus-registered Jabiru near Lucyville, Victoria, in September 2022.

"As part of the required changes, RAAus is no longer able to accept aeronautical experience conducted in aircraft types other than 3-axis powered aeroplanes, for the issue of a Group A Recreational Pilot Certificate," RAAus said in a communique to members.

These changes will only have an effect on instructors and members who intended to use aeronautical experience in an aircraft type other than a 3-axis powered aeroplane for the issue of a Group A Recreational Pilot Certificate." 

The following changes have been made in Flight Operations Manual v7.1.2 which is now in effect: 

  • section 2.13 paragraph 1 has been updated with a revised definition of recognised flight time for the issue of a Group A certificate, and associated endorsements, ratings and approvals
  • a definition of Aeroplane has been added to the definitions section of the manual which corresponds with the definition applied within the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs)
  • based on the adoption of the CASR definition of aeroplane, the term "aeroplane" has been replaced with "aircraft" throughout the manual, except where aeroplane is required in accordance with the updated definition. A definition of aircraft and touring motor glider has also been added to the manual
  • section 2.13 paragraph 9. b. (iii) has been removed which permitted a reduction to 25 hours PIC of an aircraft which can be RAAus registered as minimum aeronautical experience for the issue of an instructor rating.

Although the ATSB did not investigate the crash, the Victorian Coroner held an inquest into the death of the pilot, which reports say revealed the pilot had paragliding experience that was taken into account when converting to an RAAus Recreational Pilot Certificate.

The updated flight operations manual can be downloaded from the RAAus website.

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