• Formation flying is banned for pilots operating under a Class 5 medical standard. (Steve Hitchen)
    Formation flying is banned for pilots operating under a Class 5 medical standard. (Steve Hitchen)

CASA has confirmed today that it will be started a post-implementation review (PIR) of the Class 5 medical standard this month.

Class 5, which is a self-declared medical standard, began in February last year, and as such will be subject to the customary review one year after implementation.

The review is expected to use 12 months of data to determine the impact and effectiveness of the medical standard, and the appropriateness of operating limitations imposed on Class 5.

Those operating limitations are:

  • private operations only
  • MTOW must be 2000 kg or less
  • VFR by day only
  • no IFR
  • must not operate above 10,000 feet AMSL
  • no more than two people on board
  • must not use a CASR Part 61 operational rating
  • no aerobatics
  • no formation flying
  • must operate wholly within Australian territory.

After the 2023 consultation period on the Class 5 proposal closed, CASA noted that nearly half the respondents objection to one or more of the operating limitations. 

CASA defended its position to retain all restrictions despite the industry feedback, stating in the consultation review, "The operational limitations along with the medical limitations are considered to be a key risk control for the likelihood of risks occurring and the consequences of risks if they do occur.

"The medical limitations associated with the self-declaration required additional operational controls to provide sufficient assurance of the maintenance of an acceptable level of aviation safety."

However, the regulator did commit to using the feedback as part of the PIR.

"The consultation period concluded on 17 November 2023, and the feedback has been used to inform the policy and will be used during the post implementation review."

As well as a re-assessment of the Class 5 medical, the PIR is also expected to establish some parameters for the Class 4 medical standard, which involves a General Practitioner rather than a DAME.

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