• The proposed Bankstown south-east VFR corridor. (CASA/Airservices Australia)
    The proposed Bankstown south-east VFR corridor. (CASA/Airservices Australia)

Both CASA and Airservices Australia today opened consultation on the proposed new south-east VFR transit corridor for Bankstown Airport.

The proposal envisages an outbound lane running from Revesby Station to Casuarina Oval and Woronora Cemetery, and an inbound lane from Engadine to Ridge Golf Course, Sandy Point Mine and Brighton Lakes Golf Club.

The new Corridor would have a Class C airspace overlying at 1500 feet.

Inbounds would be required to contact BK TWR at Engadine for clearance.

The airspace changes also include reclassifying a section of Sydney CTR to create a south-east Class G corridor from SFC to 1500.

The proposed changes aim to safely accommodate sustained growth in the Sydney region by reducing congestion and providing more equitable access to airspace," CASA states.

"The proposed design is intended to reduce airspace risks associated with the constrained nature of the Bankstown control zone while also providing better access to the Sydney training areas.

"Removing the constraints of the Sydney CTR will remove the clearance requirements to the airspace south of Bankstown Airport. The new lanes will be able to be used in addition to the existing north and west VFR routes."

Changes to the airspace design in the Sydney Basin have been attributed to the new Western Sydney (Nancy-Bird Walton) International Airport, which is due to start operations in 2026.

Those changes will see the volume of Class G airspace substantially reduced and new access lanes also created to the north-east of Bankstown Airport.

Full details of the proposal are on both the CASA Consultation Hub and the Airservices Australia website.

The proposal is open for feedback until 22 October 2024.

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