• Class 5 medical declarations allow pilots to fly GA aeroplanes without a medical examination, but are restricted to two people only. (Steve Hitchen)
    Class 5 medical declarations allow pilots to fly GA aeroplanes without a medical examination, but are restricted to two people only. (Steve Hitchen)

General aviation has welcomed the Class 5 self-declared medical standard according to CASA figures published this week.

Since CASA implemented Class 5 in February this year, the regulator has issued 594 self-declared medical certificates, in the process gathering positive feedback from the GA community.

"Class 5 medical self-declaration aims to improve accessibility to a streamlined medical certification pathway for the general aviation and recreational aviation community," said Principal Medical Officer Kate Manderson

"Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria, satisfactorily meet the Class 5 medical requirements, and make a self-declaration, will be automatically issued with a Class 5 medical."

Class 5 applicants need to complete and pass an online test, and meet fitness and eligibility requirements before self-declaring. 

Self-declaration, however, comes with several operating limitations that CASA has committed to reviewing early next year, including:

  • private operations only
  • MTOW must be 2000 kg or less
  • VFR by day only
  • no IFR
  • must not operate above 10,000 feet AMSL
  • no more than two people on board
  • must not use a CASR Part 61 operational rating
  • no aerobatics
  • no formation flying
  • must operate wholly within Australian territory.

Despite that, CASA has received feedback from applicants widely supporting of Class 5.

"This is a privilege based on honesty and trust," one applicant told CASA. "It may also transfer to an individual the responsibility to become more acquainted with, and take enhanced informed interest, in their own health."

"If it suits your needs, then it’s the best way to keep cost and complexity down whilst flying a VH-registered aircraft," said another.

Public consultation conducted in late 2023 showed that 73% of the 849 respondents on average supported the Class 5 medical as it was then proposed.

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