Jandakot's amorphic approach point Six South will disappear when the next cycle of Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) charts take over on 23 May this year.
Six South has been replaced by two new Visual Reporting Points (VRP) at Oakford to the south and Brickworks to the east.
Six South proved problematic over the years as it was the primary VRP to Jandakot from the south, but rather than being a point on the ground, it was an arc of air space approximately 6 nm south of the airport.
Reports say that many pilots, mainly students, regularly failed to report at Six South, which was just south of the regularly-dry Forrestdale Lake.
The VRPs were reviewed by the Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) in 2017, with a recommendation that the primary approach from the south should be aligned with Thomas Road, Oakford. The new Oakford approach point is the corner of Thomas and Nicholson Roads.
The second new approach point, Brickworks, is south of the existing Armadale approach point and is a brick-making plant on the South Western Highway.
Also disappearing from the Perth VTC are the Alkimos Wreck VRP to the north and the military VFR route from the coast to RAAF Pearce at Bullsbrook.