
The January/February 2011 issue of Australian Flying is hot off the printing press and packed with all our usual flying tips, destinations features, entertaining and informative stories and much, much more for Australia’s active General Aviation and Recreational Aviation pilot community.

Here’s a brief snapshot of what you can read about in this the first issue of Australian Flying for 2011.

* Destinations – Island hopping in Bass Strait: Shelley Ross joins the Lilydale Flying School team for an adventurous summer tour around the Bass Strait, stopping over at some brilliantly peaceful island retreats along the way.

* Endorsements & Ratings Guide: A plethora of further qualifications that can enhance your flying experience become available once you acquire your PPL. Steve Hitchen brings you everything you need to know about the world of endorsments and ratings.

* Flight Test – PiperSport LSA: Long-standing manufacturer Piper has pounced on the LSA category, rebadging the Czech-built CZAW SportCruiser as the PiperSport. John Absolon takes one for a burl at Watts Bridge.

* Tips & Traps – Twins – double safety or double trouble?: In the first instalment of a special two-part Tips & Traps series on multi-engine flying, Jim Davis offers all you need to know if you’re considering upgrading to a twin-engine aircraft.

* Reach for the Sky: Justin Grey spends an afternoon at Red Baron Flight Training getting introduced to basic aerobatics, advanced aircraft control techniques and the Red Baron way.

* Angel Flight: With Angel Flight on the verge of its milestone 10,000 flight and in need of more pilots, Mike Roselt relives a recent flight he conducted for the not-for-profit charity.

As well as these features, resident Australian Flying flight sim expert Dave Tonks brings you a collection of his favourite sims, and in Medical Matters Dr Olga Ward discusses High Functionin Autism and flying.

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