• The Hawker 200. (Hawker Beechcraft)
    The Hawker 200. (Hawker Beechcraft)

Hawker Beechcraft has launched the Hawker 200 light jet, the latest addition to its Hawker lineup.

Evolving from the Beechcraft Premier II program, the Hawker 200 has many of the same characteristics and performance specs of the Premier II but boasts increased capability. The aircraft has a maximum cruise speed of 450 knots and a maximum altitude of 43,000 feet.

In addition to new winglets, new Williams International FJ44-3AP engines, a gross weight increase and a higher ceiling, the Hawker 200 also features a MultiScan Weather Radar, ADS-B Out capability, and high reliability with a 400-hour inspection interval and 10-year composite airframe warranty.

Hawker Beechcraft executive vice president Shawn Vick says development of the Hawker 200 has been informed by 18 months of market research.

“We’ve transformed the Hawker 200 into the fastest, most efficient and most spacious single-pilot certified light jet you can buy,” Vick explains. “After tallying up the changes, there was no question that this business jet had graduated into a new class and deserved nothing less than being called a Hawker.”

Hawker Beechcraft says the Hawker 200 program is currently in the latter stages of development and running to schedule. Since the first prototype flight in March of this year, the Hawker 200 has compiled more than 100 hours during flight testing.

The Hawker 200 is expected to sell for around US$7.5 million. The aircraft is scheduled for certification in third quarter 2012, with first deliveries planned for the fourth quarter of that year.

For more on Hawker Beechcraft click here.

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