• A new radar has been installed on North Stradbroke Island. (J. Brew)
    A new radar has been installed on North Stradbroke Island. (J. Brew)

Airservices Australia has commissioned a new radar at Mount Hardgrave on North Stradbroke Island to provide both primary and secondary radar coverage around Brisbane Airport.

The upgrade is part of a multi-million dollar modernisation program being carried out by Airservices.

Airservices Executive General Manager Projects and Engineering, Mark Rodwell said the radar at Mt Hardgrave was formerly only a secondary surveillance radar.

“The site is now able to provide both primary and secondary surveillance for Brisbane Airport, and will ensure that we continue to provide safe and efficient movement of traffic through airspace around Brisbane Airport.” he said.

The new permanent radar is housed inside a dome to protect it from weather and enable it to continue working in high winds, and will also extend the radar's life expectancy.

The commissioning of Mount Hardgrave radar will enable work to start on upgrading the existing radar located at Brisbane Airport

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