• Consultation is now open for access to controlled airspace and aerodromes for sport and recreational pilots
    Consultation is now open for access to controlled airspace and aerodromes for sport and recreational pilots

RA-Aus has commented on CASA's proposal to approve access to controlled airspace and aerodromes for recreational pilots.

CASA is seeking feedback on their proposal to allow approved self-administering aviation organisations (ASAOs) to authorise their pilots to operate in controlled airspace and at controlled aerodromes.

The proposed policy would allow authorised sport and recreational pilots to operate in controlled airspace and at controlled aerodromes provided that:

  • the pilot is equivalently competent to contextually relevant standards in the Part 61 Manual of Standards (MOS)
  • the aircraft is equipped to contextually relevant Part 91 standards and requirements.

ASAOs choosing to take advantage of the proposed policy would be required to amend their expositions and demonstrate to CASA how they will use the expanded administrative function. CASA will provide guidance and support to ASAOs.

CASA proposes to amend Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 95.55 to permit relevant sport and recreational pilots to operate in controlled airspace if they hold an authorisation issued by an ASAO which permits such operations.

This will initially make the policy available for Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus) due to their capability to use the policy in the near future. In an email to Australian Flying, CEO Maxine Milera said, "It is RAAus' view that our existing self-declared medical standard should be considered equivalent to the CASA Class 5 Medical for the purposes of access to controlled airspace. Despite this, CASA's position is that a Class 5 medical, or higher, will be required for ASAO members to access controlled airspace, despite a history of safe operations by other ASAOs utilising a self-declared medical standard.

"RAAus has been advocating for the CASR Part 103 MOS to permit the conduct of an English language assessment by an approved person at an RAAus Flight Training School which would be considered as an equivalent alternative to meeting the AELP standard, without the need to seek a CASA approved assessor. This would ensure RAAus members are assessed to the same standard of competency without imposing additional regulatory burden.

"RAAus has emphasised to CASA the importance of ensuring a suitable pathway for access to controlled airspace for RAAus members prior to implementation of controlled airspace at Ballina and this proposal seeks to permit an interim solution by amending CAO 95.55 prior to the finalisation of the CASR Part 103 MOS. It is our view that these changes should also be made to CAO 95.10 and CAO 95.32 to permit access to controlled airspace for all RAAus members."

Other ASAOs have indicated that they don’t have the capability to use the policy in the short-term.

To comment on the proposal, click here.





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