HDFC Open Day
The Hastings District Flying Club will open its club house and hangar doors to the public. Members will be showing off their aircraft on the tarmac and you can sign up for flights. People can wander around and view the different aircraft we have within the club, and they can also talk with the owner and, in some instances, the person who actually built it. The clubhouse and hangar will house historical presentations, radio control models, plastic aircraft models and flying training information. SPECIAL AERIAL FIRE FIGHTERS PHOTO EXHIBITION BY RICHSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY Rich Shaw will be displaying his amazing photos of the Aerial Fire Fighting action in the recent Port Macquarie fires. Remember to sign up for a DISCOVERY FLIGHT while you are there. View our display at HDFC club house and understand our 60 plus years aviation history.
- Organised by: The Hastings District Flying Club
- Contact name: Veronica Lind
- Phone: 0407779828
- Email: